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Dana Karen Ciccone

Dana Karen CicconeProfile Photo

Pilates for Pain Specialist | Author

Dana Karen (“DK”) Ciccone is a certified Pilates instructor who helps people in pain improve strength, mobility, and well-being in a weight-neutral environment. She’s also trained in pain reprocessing therapy through the Pain Psychology Center. Having begun her own journey with chronic back pain as a young teen, she has been exploring ways to help herself and others regain joy of movement for decades. After twenty years in the health sector, DK left a corporate career to follow her passion, later launching Movement Remedies, a chronic pain–focused Pilates studio in Boston, Massachusetts. Her first book, You’re Meant to Move: A Guide to Conquering Chronic Pain, Increasing Stress Resilience, and Reclaiming an Active Life, was released December 2023.

March 28, 2024

144: How Diet Culture and Chronic Pain Intersect with DK Ciccone

We talk a fair bit about chronic pain on this podcast, friends, and some things have become abundantly clear. First, that chronic pain is not taken seriously if you live in a bigger body. Second, while movement is important,…