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Nov. 30, 2023

127: Growing Through Change with Kirsten Beske

127: Growing Through Change with Kirsten Beske

After attending the lifestyle medicine conference a week or so ago, I was reminded of what my values and my purpose in life and career are. I had the opportunity to rest and connect with like-minded people and it was just what I needed. I also discovered a group called Walk With A Doc and I’ve decided to open a chapter in my hometown. It’s a great way to volunteer in a way that’s aligned with my passion and to talk through these concepts of helping people in alignment with personal values, I’ve invited Kirsten Beske to the show today. Kirsten is a mindset and transformation expert, a Harvard graduate, an experienced psychotherapist, and a mindset coach. So I’m going to talk all about what is required for transformation and connecting with our higher purpose with Kirsten.

After attending the lifestyle medicine conference a week or so ago, I was reminded of what my values and my purpose in life and career are. I had the opportunity to rest and connect with like-minded people and it was just what I needed. I also discovered a group called Walk With A Doc and I’ve decided to open a chapter in my hometown. It’s a great way to volunteer in a way that’s aligned with my passion and to talk through these concepts of helping people in alignment with personal values, I’ve invited Kirsten Beske to the show today. Kirsten is a mindset and transformation expert, a Harvard graduate, an experienced psychotherapist, and a mindset coach. So I’m going to talk all about what is required for transformation and connecting with our higher purpose with Kirsten. 

Kirsten talks about accepting limitations and being kind to ourselves through change and struggle because we will find peace on the other side of it. When we understand our values and we know what we want our impact on the world to be, we can keep moving forward with that in mind and know we’re doing the right thing. Kirsten points out that some things are out of our control so when we come up for air, it’s important to check in and make sure we’re okay. We talk about the value of making space, the importance of journaling (I love journaling), and the definition of positive psychology and how it’s applied in our lives. This conversation was enlightening and really hit on many points I’ve been pondering in my own life. Kirsten’s knowledge and advice are exactly what I needed and I hope you feel the same when you listen to our conversation.

About Kirsten Beske:

Kirsten Beske, J.D., M.A., ICF Certified Business & Life Redesign Coach and Change Expert.

Kirsten is a Life Redesign Coach who guides mid-career professionals into their next chapter of life and work for more joy, energy, impact and a sense of fulfillment. Her zone of genius is guiding people to inventory their accumulated knowledge, skills, expertise, strengths and wisdom and to use them as a compass to map out the next amazing chapter of life and work.   

In her first chapter, Kirsten was a litigation attorney for 14 years and a law firm partner. Then each of her children had near-death health challenges as infants, right as the 9/11 attacks occurred. Reconciling these events led her to reevaluate her values, priorities and sense of purpose in life.  She decided to leave her law practice, got a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, and ran her private psychotherapy practice for over a decade.  

Kirsten has always been fascinated with the question of how people thrive.  Now, as a Life Redesign Coach, she loves sharing evidence-based science on how everyone can live their best lives at each unique phase of life. She also is a Certified Applied Positive Psychology practitioner and an ICF Certified Life Coach, so she can be trusted to safely guide clients into their next chapter of life and work. 


Resources discussed in this episode:


Learn more about Kirsten Beske:

Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health: