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Dec. 28, 2023

131: Talking Anti-Diet with Leah Hortin

131: Talking Anti-Diet with Leah Hortin

I’m excited to introduce you to my guest today because she and I have had so many rich conversations about what intuitive eating and the anti-diet approach mean to us. She speaks so eloquently on all these subjects and part of the challenge we all face when we start this journey is just talking about it, right? This episode will help us all out with starting the conversation. So I’m thrilled to introduce you all to Leah Hortin. Leah is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a Master Health and Life Coach who specializes in helping women get off the diet roller coaster.

I’m excited to introduce you to my guest today because she and I have had so many rich conversations about what intuitive eating and the anti-diet approach mean to us. She speaks so eloquently on all these subjects and part of the challenge we all face when we start this journey is just talking about it, right? This episode will help us all out with starting the conversation. So I’m thrilled to introduce you all to Leah Hortin. Leah is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a Master Health and Life Coach who specializes in helping women get off the diet roller coaster. 

Leah defines what she means when she talks about “anti-diet culture” by aligning it with the health at every size approach. It means not focusing on changing your body, or the more aesthetic goals of diet culture, but instead paying attention to your relationships with food, exercise, and your overall well-being. We talk about what a diet actually is and the ways in which diets have changed their messaging to seem more health-focused. Leah shares her journey with calorie counting and the mathematics of weight loss that she tried (that didn’t work) and how she came to advocate for women finding confidence in the new language of health at any size now. We talk about enjoying holidays without food concerns motivating us, without worrying about our appearance or “saving up” calories for a dessert. Leah just really opens up the conversation around dieting and changing perspectives to focus not on how we look but on how we feel. It’s a beautiful episode with an eloquent and knowledgeable guest that I just know you’ll all love.


About Leah Hortin
Leah Hortin is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Master Health and Life Coach specializing in helping women get off the diet rollercoaster for good. Using the principles of Intuitive Eating, she empowers women to find their food freedom, love their bodies and redefine what health means to them.


Learn more about Leah Hortin:

Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:

Leah HortinProfile Photo

Leah Hortin

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Leah Hortin is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Master Health and Life Coach specializing in helping women get off the diet rollercoaster for good. Using the principles of Intuitive Eating, she empowers women to find their food freedom, love their bodies and redefine what health means to them.