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Nov. 16, 2023

125: Getting Started with Intuitive Eating with Krista Beck

125: Getting Started with Intuitive Eating with Krista Beck

I’m talking about intuitive eating once again because it is such a beautiful way of tuning into your body’s wisdom and respecting your body. I’m so passionate about sharing this with you so I have another wonderful guest to interview about intuitive eating. Krista Beck is a Canadian registered dietician, certified intuitive eating counselor, and owner of Dietitian Krista. Krista’s mission is to expose diet culture for what it really is and to focus on mending people’s relationships with food and their bodies. We really have an amazing conversation about just the basics of intuitive eating. I love hearing Krista’s story and soaking up the insight she offers.

I’m talking about intuitive eating once again because it is such a beautiful way of tuning into your body’s wisdom and respecting your body. I’m so passionate about sharing this with you so I have another wonderful guest to interview about intuitive eating. Krista Beck is a Canadian registered dietician, certified intuitive eating counselor, and owner of Dietitian Krista. Krista’s mission is to expose diet culture for what it really is and to focus on mending people’s relationships with food and their bodies. We really have an amazing conversation about just the basics of intuitive eating. I love hearing Krista’s story and soaking up the insight she offers.

Krista shares about her own struggle with disordered eating and how she came to intuitive eating. I asked Krista if the principles of intuitive eating changed her relationship with food and her body and she said “I went through periods where I absolutely hated my body, and I was trying so hard to change it to now just totally accepting it, and also just being prepared to accept any future changes that do come with my body.” and that is so beautiful to hear. Krista and I explore all the “anti-diet” approaches that are still hiding diets, why diets don’t work, and how the intuitive eating approach is different from the restrictions of a diet. We talk a lot about food and Krista’s approach of not labelling food as either good or bad but thinking about formerly ‘bad’ foods as simply fun food or soul food as a way to help overcome the mental restriction to starting intuitive eating. This is a really informative episode and I hope you are as excited by what Krista shares about intuitive eating as I am.

About Krista Beck:

Krista Beck is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, dieter turned intuitive eater and owner of Dietitian Krista. After struggling with her own disordered eating, Krista has made it her mission to expose diet culture for what it really is and help as many women as possible ditch the diets for good and mend their relationship with food and their bodies.


Learn more about Krista Beck:

Learn more about Dr. Michelle Tubman and Wayza Health:

Krista BeckProfile Photo

Krista Beck

Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

Krista Beck is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, dieter turned intuitive eater and owner of Dietitian Krista. After struggling with her own disordered eating, Krista has made it her mission to expose diet culture for what it really is and help as many women as possible ditch the diets for good and mend their relationship with food and their bodies.